Sziasztok!Egy kérdésem lenne,mivel magyar nyelven kivül mást nem beszélek

Ma fel akartam menni a végzetur wikire és ez fogadott: On 19th May, 2022 Wikidot servers have been hit by hackers.
All traces lead to Russian Federation.
All the data (files and database) are intact and no data loss has occured.
We are planning to bring Wikidot back on Monday. It takes a bit longer than we first anticipated because we are literally re-installing the whole infrastructure to make sure hackers left no backdoors. At the same time we are updating most of the critical software too!
Thank you for your patience and we humbly ask for some more. It's been a very difficult day for us and it's far from over, so keep your fingers crossed!
I will keep you posted on this page.
Michal and Wikidot Team
valaki segitene ,mi a probléma?Elöre is köszönöm